by Charlee Sharack | February 8, 2022 6:11 pm
I thought that this episode would be as good as the last. I was wrong.
I had high hopes for this episode. It started out not fairly well. I enjoyed watching some explanations of the change of power and neighborhoods under Bib Fortuna. Fortuna was the Daimyo (crime lord in power) after Jabba the Hutt. Then Boba Fett killed Fortuna, thus taking the title of Daimyo himself.
A worker’s district water farmer tells Fett and Shand that no one truly respects them, mainly due to the assassination attempt in the first episode. Shortly after, the farmer asks for help with what he describes as half-human and half-technology thieves. He states that they have modified their bodies with technology to make themselves more powerful.
I feel like the only reason Boba went to help was that he needed to gain the respect of the people. Of course, he didn’t have to, but he is limited and needs a better reputation.
When he arrives at the scene, he sees the young adult aged “thieves” together in front of the farmer’s home. Boba realized that the farmer was sort of a scammer. So instead of protecting him, he offered the thieves a job like his personal bodyguard.
Right after, another dream sequence starts. While I am not the biggest fan of the flashbacks, it only lasted about 5 minutes, so it definitely could’ve been longer.
Boba goes to meet with the Pykes. As he is entering the town, a cameo made by Peli Motto walks in the background. She was a character in The Mandalorian.
After meeting with the crime ring, he returns back to the village. Except the town was burned down, and all the Tuskens were murdered. It was too soon! I was not expecting it whatsoever. At first, I thought that it was the Pykes, but it was revealed that it was the same biker group that Fett beat up and stole from in the last episode.
In that scene, I thought we would finally see what the Tusken Raiders really looked like, but we sadly did not. Some say that it keeps the mystery and allure of the universe, but I want to see what they look like so badly!
My only other complaint about the dream scene is that I would like to see the Pykes look more realistic when they talk. It looks similar to when a puppet talks. But, again, I think it circles back to needing the CGI to be better.
When Boba woke from his time in the bacta tank, I was startled when Black Krrstanten jumped on screen and tried to kill him. After a long struggle from Fett, his new “bodyguards,” and Fennec Shand, came to the rescue. They ended up dropping him in the empty rancor pit. Instead of killing him, Boba wants to put Krrstanten into his bacta tank to heal, but Shand is not pleased with this request. I feel like she sees him as too forgiving and merciful, thus making him come off as weak.
When Fett was by himself against the Wookiee, he grabbed the weapon he made while with the Raiders. This shows that the species is still with him, and he still feels connected with them.
The next day, the Hutt Twins offer Fett an apology for trying to assassinate him. I got confused in this scene because they knew he came with an apology gift but didn’t truly know if he was killed or not. To my knowledge, there was not a second person reporting to them if the deed was done. For all they know, the Wookiee could’ve done the task and ran off.
They converse about what had happened, and then the Twins announced that they would flee the planet. However, they know that something bigger is coming and are not powerful enough to maintain control. They state that the planet was promised to another crime syndicate-the mayor. At the end of the discussion, they offer him a Rancor as an apology.
The Rancor comes with a trainer, and I got really excited when I saw him. It was the uncle from Spy Kids. Danny Trejo portrays the Rancor’s keeper, and I hope to see him gain a role similar to Shand in the future.
From the minute Boba first entered the Rancor pit, he obviously cared about the creature. He told Trejo’s character that he wants to help train it and learn to ride it. The emotion that he gives off when talking about being part of the training process tells me that he doesn’t see the Rancor as another thing to have around for power. Still, he sees it as a new member of his family. He immediately cares, and that is a common characteristic of Fett. We see it when he is with the Tuskens and “adopting” the new bodyguards.
Before we get too much screen time with the creature, Fett is whisked away to face the mayor. Except he isn’t at his office, and his assistant locks himself in his office and then tries to flee. This prompts the worst chase scene that I have ever seen.
Fett sends his bodyguards to chase after him. But, really, it wasn’t a chase. It was more of a light jog. The speeders went so slow. It felt more like a futuristic scene from something like The Fifth Element more than it did Star Wars. The kids look more like robots, and the music didn’t help either. It was more high-tech and futuristic than the fantastic music of John Williams. Star Wars has the distinguishable kind of music that you can hear and immediately think of the series, yet the music in this scene was nothing similar to it. It was just all-around a bad scene, and I wish I never saw it because it was the biggest reason the score for this chapter is so low.
Finally, we find out that the mayor is working hand-in-hand with the Pykes and more are on their way. Groups of them walk out of a giant version of the Millenium Falcon, and we are hinted that there are more to come.
I thought there would be more scenes to follow this one, but the chapter ended there.
In total, the run time of this chapter was 33 minutes. Personally, I think there needs to be more consistency in the times. Leaving one shorter makes audiences unsatisfied.
I rate this episode 2⅗ Bobas :/
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