Dyllan Bertucci prepares to shoot a free-throw at the end of the game. (Jake Uehling)Dyllan Bertucci looks on at his team as the crowd watches in anticipation. (Jake Uehling)Dyllan Bertucci looks to pass the ball. (Jake Uehling)Dyllan Bertucci prepares to box out a North Platte player at the free-throw line. (Jake Uehling)Axel Prince trots over to his team. (Charlee Sharack[1])Dane Petersen jumps up to lay the ball into the hoop. (Charlee Sharack [2])Dane Petersen fights through traffic to slam the ball down on top of three North Platte players. (Charlee Sharack [2])Dane Petersen bounds up to the hoop. (Charlee Sharack [2])Dane Petersen slams it down on the head of the opposing player. (Charlee Sharack [2])Axel Prince cuts on a dime looking for space to get open. (Charlee Sharack [2])Axel Prince goes on the defensive. (Charlee Sharack [2])Both teams scramble for the rebound. (Charlee Sharack [2])Dane Petersen and Ethan Yungtum jump to swat the ball away. (Charlee Sharack [2])Dane Petersen follows through on his free throw. (Charlee Sharack [2])Colin Comstock looks for an open man to pass the ball. (Charlee Sharack [2])