Struck by Electric Love

Elkhorn High School’s and Elkhorn Middle School’s show choirs put on an amazing performance together.

Phillip Truong

Elkhorn Excel finishes their energetic performance. They will be performing at RCC on Saturday, February 4th.

Phillip Truong, Video Manager

On January 12th, EHS and EMS held their combined concert that was performed for all the family and friends of the show choirs of both schools. Being there to watch the show, I was pleasantly surprised at how fast it went. The majority of the shows I see are primarily musicals from the school which can range from two to three hours long, but when I came to watch this show choir performance it was much shorter than that. EMS performed for around 15-20 minutes and EHS performed for about 30-35 minutes. EMS performed first, with their show about robots learning how to feel love. EHS performed after them, with their wacky show centered around a large dining table in the center of the stage. Despite the short length of the show, that didn’t take away from the fact that the music and the singing quality weren’t any less than an amazing feat for them. The energy brought to the dance was surprising because of the fact they would be singing and dancing at the same time! The choreography even coordinated with various props such as chairs, tables, etc. Giving some credit out to everybody, the band also did great. I got to talk to the EHS show band prior to their performance and saw how they were before their show. I talked to them and asked them things about the show like “How many songs are there?” or “Are you nervous?”, but their answers were calm and somewhat excited. This really showed the amount of preparation and time they took to get ready and how well they were suited for this job. As expected, they put on a great show. To end this review, both EMS and EHS did a great job. Shoutout to the two soloists for EHS, Grace Swanson and Blakely Kenz, for their amazing performance. Great job to everybody involved with the show choir and I hope to see more of their amazing performances!

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