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Antler Express

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Not Quittin’ Time Yet | Antler Express

Not Quittin’ Time Yet

by Becca Leise | October 11, 2023 1:08 pm

Zach Bryan’s concert was the best concert I have ever been to. It was a privilege to be able to go and a bonus that I went with my family. We bought tickets as soon as he announced he was coming to town for his Burn, Burn, Burn Tour.  

My family and I were lucky enough to get box seats in the upper right section of the lower bowl. Many other Elkhorn High School students also attended this concert. 

He opens with his song “Open The Gate.” This song is about a man who has something to prove. The man’s dad passed away and instead of grieving, he knew he had to do what his father wasn’t able to. He is trying to show his fans that even through the hard times you can get through it, just like he did with the death of his mother. 

My favorite song he sang was Sweet DeAnn. All of his songs are heartfelt and very well written but this one even got Zach Bryan emotional on stage. The song is about his mother who passed away in 2016. I think it was very special for him to sing it, and his mom was probably watching over him during the performance. 

Toward the end of the show, he said thank you and suddenly left. After a couple of minutes, he came back for the encore and started playing “Revival.” The crowd got the loudest and most excited for this song. He introduced his band members, one by one during the song, singing the chorus in between their solos. Then at the very end, we sang the chorus one last time. 

I knew almost every song he played except for his new songs. He released a whole new album on August 25, 2023, containing 16 new songs. These songs came out 4 days before the concert so it was hard to learn them before, but I still enjoyed them. This was one of the best nights of my life. I can’t wait to see him back in Omaha in April of 2024 for his Quittin’ Time Tour.

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