Most teenage students would answer that their favorite part about school in the winter is the cold days, so this past week would have been a dream for them. The Nebraska weather was hitting hard with the rough average being 13 degrees.
With the cold days, the workload increases so that the curriculum plans can stay consistent with the actual activities completed. This can lead to stress on students and teachers so they can be sure they are on track.
“There’s just a lot of shuffling. You have to look to see if there’s anything that can be cut, and a lot of it. The district has curricular maps that teachers follow, and they don’t have a ton of flexibility,” library teacher Leigh Geis said. “Sometimes they try to adjust deadlines, but we still have the same end of the quarter.”
While the homework may increase, the cold days allow for more time to do the things one enjoys most, and they give students and teachers the opportunity to relax.
“I just sat at home mostly, played on my computer, hung out with my family, and that’s about it,” sophomore Kenny Brewer said.
No matter what work has to be done to make up for the cold days Elkhorn Public Schools had last week, the break from school is thoroughly enjoyed by all.