Public speaking can be a struggle for most although that is not the case for the Elkhorn High Speech Team. The speech team’s expertise is in communication, teamwork and public speaking. Elkhorn High’s very own speech team will attend district over spring break.
“We have group events where people who haven’t seen district’s before, and districts can go a lot of different ways,” senior Maureen Kubicek said. “It just depends on the judges you get.”
Not only can districts be intimidating for those who have not competed but the judges can influence a team’s scoring for the better or worse.
“All five of us have never been to districts, so it’s gonna be a learning curve,” senior Samantha Richards said. “It will be an experience but no matter what happens I think it will be good.”
Elkhorn High’s speech team is bringing a lot of new people to district’s this year, but it will be a good experience no matter what the outcome is.
“District’s is a little bit scary, but I know that I’ll have some pretty good teammates there,” Sophomore Gavin Vasquez said. “But we will have a heck of a competition with Skutt being there, but overall I think it will go well.”
One of Elkhorn High’s biggest rivalries at speech district is Skutt, but it will make for a good competition.
“As a team the season has gone pretty well, I mean we have been competing against giant schools,” Vasquez said. “We did end up taking the champion sweepstake at Skyler, so it’s been a pretty consistent season.”
Speech team’s season has gone really well so far and they are set up for districts between all their long practices and seasons history so far.