School Calendar Modified To Keep Virus In Check
EPS School Board Approves Plan For Temporary Remote Learning And Additional Teacher Plan Time
Image courtesy of Superintendent Habrock
The schedule for the online week following any major breaks in the school year.
October 13, 2020
Remote learning is coming, remote learning is coming, remote learning is coming.
This morning faculty and staff in the Elkhorn school district received an email from Superintendent Bary Habrock discussing upcoming changes to the 2020-21 school year calendar. The email explains the changes were finalized by the Board of Education last night, Monday the 12th. Because many teachers have an increased workload as a result of curriculum centered around in-person and online students, five more workdays have been added on November 3rd, November 25th, December 21st and 22nd, February 1st, and April 30th. This will allow teachers to work from home or their classrooms to better plan and organize their classes.
General virus trends this year have shown a spike in COVID-19 cases following holidays and other times when people travel and get together. In efforts to reduce the spread of the virus between students and staff, the district plans to move to the distance learning plan for one week following major breaks in the year such as Thanksgiving and Spring break. These weeks online are scheduled for November 30th- Dec 4th, January 4th-8th, and March 22nd-26th. As of now the distance learning plan will not be used on days canceled due to weather, like snow days.
The district hopes to continue the school year in person while continuing employing strategies to manage the impacts of the COVID-19 virus. As long as masks are still worn, symptoms are monitored, and students and staff utilize social distancing as much as possible, Elkhorn will be able to do its best to continue the rest of the year in person.