Ending The Call
This year, many teachers incorporated a new cell phone policy into their classes.
Mrs. Bock’s cell phone table.
September 9, 2022
Many teachers in EHS have implemented a new cell phone policy, requiring students to put their phones in cell phone holders.
English teacher Mrs. Bock, and the English Department as a whole, decided to enforce this policy into their classes. “Phones not only distract students during class, I think they limit students’ focus,” Mrs. Bock said.
Phones have become a problem in many classrooms, to the point where students won’t do their work. “I would much rather have the problem of kids talking too much and interacting with each other than the problem of kids staring at their phones and ignoring each other,” Mrs. Bock said.
After making student’s turn in their phones, teachers have seen a more social environment. “If you finish early, you can read or you can work on other homework. So I think that they’re already showing positive benefits.”
Students of Mrs. Bock claimed that they like her new cell phone policy. “I don’t mind giving up my phone if it helps me concentrate.” Said Elsie Rochholz, a sophomore at EHS.
Most students say that they’re fine with it, but would like it if there was a reward for turning their phone in. “I think it should be optional and worth extra credit to award us for giving it up.” Said Diesel Janovich, a sophomore at EHS.
Ms. Bang, a science teacher at EHS, gives extra credit to students who turn in their phones. “Phones are a huge distraction and even kids will admit that it’s hard to focus,” Ms. Bang said.
Although it is a benefit for both students and Ms. Bang, there are big consequences for those who misuse the system and every other student in the class. “If somebody gets caught putting a different phone up there or lying, every class for the rest of the quarter loses the opportunity.”