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  • Social Sciences Teacher and Football Coach Dan Feickert Named New Assistant Principal.
The Student News Site of Elkhorn High School

Antler Express

The Student News Site of Elkhorn High School

Antler Express

Junior Jamie Hemmingson, sophomore Kyla Burhan, and Elodie Bunting sing together at Red Carpet Classic.

Show Choir Shows Up and Shows Out

Allyson Brott, Reporter February 17, 2025

Scores are going up, the audience is loud, Elkhorn Excel is up-roaring the crowd. A few members from Elkhorn High’s show choir explain how the season is going so far.  “We have only been to two...

Junior Darla Crews performs her speech titled Inside Out. During the Speech Showcase, she also featured in the speech titled Sleepover from Hell.

AOTW – Darla Crews

Makayla Brackett, Managing Editor March 3, 2023

Junior Darla Crews has been involved in many performance arts activities throughout her high school years such as drama club, one act, choir, musical, speech, color guard, and show choir. Additionally,...

Elkhorn Excel finishes their energetic performance. They will be performing at RCC on Saturday, February 4th.

Struck by Electric Love

Phillip Truong, Consulting Editor January 24, 2023

On January 12th, EHS and EMS held their combined concert that was performed for all the family and friends of the show choirs of both schools. Being there to watch the show, I was pleasantly surprised...

As junior Jaxon Ninete sings his solo, Excel pretends that the bus has come to a screeching halt due to baby ducks on the road.

Closing the Curtain

Charlee Sharack, Reporter March 10, 2022
After their first year back to “normal,” Excel’s 2021-2022 show choir season came to a close.
Darla Crews starts the fourth song at finals with a prop hat.

Grand Excursion

Charlee Sharack, Reporter February 28, 2022
Excel performs at the Grand Island Islander Invitational.
Junior Jocey Logue dances and snaps her fingers while preforming Excel's fourth song in their show.

Bringing the Sunshine

Charlee Sharack, Reporter January 31, 2022
For the first time in two years, Excel is back on stage for competitions.
Excel prepares for their first competition at Lincoln East.

Measuring Up

Charlee Sharack, Reporter January 28, 2022
Elkhorn's infamous show choir, Excel, prepares to compete for the first time in two years.
Excel members McKenna Flynn, Will Oestmann, Noah Lindberg, Celia McCaslin, Aiden Sufficool, and Hudson Goldal practice choreography.

Back On Stage

Charlee Sharack, Reporter September 9, 2021
After a year of COVID-19 restrictions, the members of Excel are back on stage and ready to perform.  
Honors Convocation Photo Essay 2/7/20

Honors Convocation Photo Essay 2/7/20

Lindsey Mulder, Reporter February 7, 2020
To celebrate a quarter of hard work, students watched Excel perform and played games in the gym for the second quarter Honors Convocation.
Exhilaration, the all women's show choir on preview night.

“Something’s Coming” and It’s Elkhorn’s Show Choirs

Faith Herbers, Reporter February 6, 2020
All three of Elkhorn High’s show choirs put on marvelous competition performances for parents and students to enjoy on January 18th.
Show Choir Preview Night

Show Choir Preview Night

Faith Herbers, Reporter January 21, 2020
A little bit of all three show choirs during their preview night; January 16, 2020.
Excel dancing passionately after their costume change to light and flowy attire.

Nothing Can Stop Elkhorn’s Show Choirs

Faith Herbers, Reporter January 25, 2019
The show choir showcase was only the beginning to an astonishing season.
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